
Humans are a plentiful race, one with many outlooks about the people in which they consort with. As it happens their DNA makes them very compatible to breed with when it comes to many of the other races within the galaxy and beyond. Often times bearing offspring, children often called Amalgam. This is a name only in title and truly is not a race of its own, many of those dubbed this are marked as different from their duo societies. As most are never truly apart of either they linger on the outskirts of each. Caught between destiny and derision, Amalgam often view themselves as the middle children of the universe.
Some can look close to human, sometimes just barely passing as human to those who do not pay them much mind. Some are a strange and outlandish assortment of genetic traits from both parents. So, their appearance can differ greatly from person to person. Each having their own markers which note them for what they are.
Amalgams tend to hold characteristic of both their parents. Though occasionally creating tight knit communities of their own, more often they ingratiate themselves where others aren't. Sought after partners in love, due to their beauty, causes many to prefer to be the only one of their kind in the communities of their choosing. Giving them the pick of the litter, so to speak. Though despite this more often then not Amalgums are shunned by either one culture or the other, and in some cases both. This has taught most of them a resilience and drive when can often rival that of their human parent. Some will try to blend, offer apologies for simply existing, and some will simply lean into it accepting what they are and caring not what others think. No matter how one reacts to the world they are a symphony of the strange and mysterious.
Amalgums tend to age at the same rates as their non-human parents.
You can speak, read, and write Common and the language of your non-human parent. [LANGUAGES]
On average, Amalgams roughly mirror humans and their counterpart parents in weight and height.
Ability Score Increase
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Strength or Dexterity score increases by 1.
Racial Trait
Skill Versatility. You gain proficiency in two skills of your choice.
And may choose TWO of the traits listed in your non-human parentage.
Mixed Bag. At 10th level, you...