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Cyborgs and Androids are often used interchangeably, however, are quite different. What separates a Bionic from a Droid or Android is a biological brain. Though there are notable similarities between each. Bionics always contain human sentience, whilst Androids are simply programmed to mimic it. However, technology has become thus that, for the average humanoid, it can be quite difficult to decipher a difference, as many Androids have been hacked to simulate desire and free will.  Once a human, or other species, is more machine than they are organic, they are considered to be a Bionic. They come in various shapes and sizes, some mimicking humanity whilst others leave their cybernetics exposed for all to see.


Physically they come in a variety of makes and models, some designed to look near perfectly humanoid while others have various parts, or in some cases their whole body, showing on their person. 


While they do not eat in the same terms the other races do, they do require a form of energy to keep their cores powered. Recharge times, and cores again vary from make and model. Both androids and cyborgs are extremely durable able to withstand a great deal, however their bodies can break down due to time or damage. But so long as their memory cores remain undamaged, they have an infinite lifespan given you can find someone capable of placing the memory chip into another body. 


While most sentient species culture has evolved to center around things of sustenance, Bionic culture often holds value in the implementation of data.  Androids often hold the same cultural values and purposes of their creators, while Cyborgs hold the cultures of whatever humanoids they were prior to receiving their modifications. In truth, most Bionics resemble Humans, Elythrin, or Delphait, as the biological composition of races like Nautilans and Skrykthe make them difficult, though not always impossible, to modify.



Generally, Bionics mirror humans in terms of lifespan without part replacement.  That said, most are not opposed to such a thing, or they would not be classified as bionics in the first place. Though failing organs can be replaced with cybernetics, there is a great debate at what point the line between biological being, and bionic, begins. All said, the oldest known Bionic is 602 years old. Though many would argue he is beginning to resemble something more like a rusted old droid.


You can speak, read, and write Common, and either Binary or one other language of your choosing. [LANGUAGES



On average, Bionics mirror humans, your size is medium. 

Ability Score Increase

Due to your mechanical make up you gain a +2 to your Constitution and +1 to your Strength. 

Racial Traits
Nightvision. You are able to see in shades of green or red without the use of external equipment.


Siliskin Implement. You are able to add a small, simple, weapon that can be imbedded into a non-biological appendage and utilized and hidden at will. You may add a simple weapon to your person and give it the hidden property. At 10th level you may add an additional weapon of martial quality to your arsenal and again at 15th level.


Constructed Resilience. You were created to have remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:

  • You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.

  • Mechanized organs allow you to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep, half as much as a normal human.

  • You are resistant to disease.

  • You have advantage on all rolls which might put you to sleep or poison you.

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