Warriors of old and soldiers of war, wield a technique widely considered an outdated art. Blade masters use melee weaponry, and ranged weaponry that is often touted as primitive. Yet, they have perfected this skill as it has been passed down through countless generations, with their use of electo-blades, fuse weapons, and other melee implementations. Often supplemented with the use of other high grade technologies, this makes the blademaster unique and no longer a hidden story amongst the galaxy.
You can make a Blademaster quickly by following these suggestions. First, put your highest ability score in Strength, Intelligence, or Dexterity (Depending on the subclass you which to pursue) followed by Constitution. Suggested Backgrounds: Bounty Hunter, Cybernetic, Entertainer, Junker, Miner, Pilot, or Pirate.

Blademaster Class Features
Here you will find an explanation of all blademaster features. This is a universal list of benefits given to all who play the class along with a summary of your equipment, hit points, and proficiencies. Below this section you will find your archetypes, which as a soldier you may pick when you reach 3rd level.