Hulking and fearsome, Bragadoshi are not so simple as mere, lumbering brutes. Originating from the D'yshir System and it's many bright burning stars, they are cold blooded, unlike the vast majority of their sentient relatives. Thus, each movement they make is often done with purpose. Having little patience or time for trivialities such as tact or subterfuge. They have anywhere from 2-8 Eyes, angular faces, and an almost reptilian or fish like, look to their features. A culture centered around honor and duty, makes these creatures formidable, whether alone or united. ​On average a Bragadoshi can stand anywhere from 6'2 to 8'4, making them the largest species of humanoid.
Their diet, is primarily carnivorous with meat and protein providing the entirety of their nutritional value. Their pallets can be rather unnerving to the civilized races of the galaxy, as many Bragadoshi prefer much of their food only slightly cooked if at all. Still, as all cultures change, there is a small sect of Bragadoshi who have moved to processed or fabricated foods in order to get the protein they require in a more "ethical" fashion.
Bragadoshi culture largely revolves around strength, honor, and duty. The Caldenari are viewed as a proud reflection of Bragadoshi values and many of their other cultures mirror similar ideals. Some find Bragadoshi to be rude, though this may be due to the fact that they so rarely lie. Their honesty can be viewed as rather brutal to one who is not used to interacting with them. Bragadoshi often prefer to face problems head on, rarely softening their words or taking jobs that they find to be beneath their character. Bragadoshi warriors believe dying honorably, while facing death, will take them to Yawishka. In the common tongue, Yawishka translates to Summer Star, where all dutiful Bragadoshi are said bask in its glow for eternity.
Though some view them as beasts, Bragadoshi are more often complex creatures who enjoy complex thinking, philosophy, and reason. However, many find it difficult to have these sorts of discussions with other races. As finding any who would dare disagree with one of these hulking humanoids, face to face, can often prove difficult...
On average the lifespan of a Bragadoshi is anywhere between 550 to 750 years.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Bragadosh. [LANGUAGES]
Bragadoshi are large, sturdy humanoids. Ranging in height on average from 6'2-8'4 in height. Size: Medium
Ability Score Increase
+2 Strength +1 Charisma
Racial Traits
Heightened Smell. Using their tongues, Bragadoshi are able to smell things others cannot as they can detect changes in the air others might miss. Gain advantage on all perception checks which benefit from smell.
Built to Brawl. You gain proficiency in the athletics skill and can add use a 1d4 + your strength modifier when making an unarmed strike.
Bite. Bragadoshi have powerful jaws, you may make a melee attack with your bit as a bonus action. If you are successful, roll 1d6+ your Strength modifier.
Frightening. You gain proficiency with the intimidation skill.
Otherworldly Resilience. At 10th level, your resiliency shines through. Gain 25hp and +1 to all forms of armor you wear.