Swiftrakers utilize speed and agility to close the distance with their targets. Quick slashes and pierces released in flurry's give them a reputation for being deadly when one gets in close.
For your first two levels of combat, roll for movement. Passing this check allows you to begin attacking your opponent immediately. Failing forfeits your turn, but grants advantage on your second roll. As a Swiftraker, gain the benefit of +2 AC until you are able to roll an attack.
Due to your speed and light armor, you are able to capitalize on mistakes made by your opponent. If your opponent rolls a natural 1 when attacking you, your Close the Gap phase is immediately bypassed. In addition, this attack is performed with advantage.
Starting at 4th level, you learn to strike swiftly while closing the distance between you and your enemy. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an attack if you have advantage on the roll. You must be wielding a finesse weapon to gain this benefit. The extra damage increases to 2d6 at 11th level and 3d6 at 17th level.
At 6th level, your agile nature allows you to perform extra attack each turn in combat.
At 9th level, you understand that mistakes are simply learning experiences. Your Flurry attacks are now performed with advantage when utilized on a target you missed with your original attack roll.
At 10th level, and after your close the gap phase ends; Any opponent who rolls a natural 1 when attacking you guarantees that your opportunity attack will critically strike if it hits. In addition, you now roll this attack with advantage.
Beginning at 12th level you fling 5 blades at your opponent(s), in rapid succession. Dealing up to 5d4 damage + your Dexterity modifier to your target. This attack cannot critically strike and can be rolled during your Close the Gap phase, at the cost of your AC benefit.
Beginning at 14th level, your quick reactions allow you to deflect one projectile that would hit you in combat. This ability must be used after a hit is scored against you, but before damage is rolled. This incurs a Dexterity save where, if passed, you receive no damage, and if you fail you take half damage, while critically failing this ability guarantees a critical hit against you. If you roll a natural 20, you deflect the attack back at your attacker.
[Reaction: Twice, per combat, until Lvl20 where it can be used up to 4 times.]
Starting at 16th level after you Close the Gap on an opponent with a firearm, you can misdirect their weapon attack toward an enemy target of your choice as you alter their line of site with successful attack roll. Must be performed before damage is rolled and can only be performed once per combat. Rolling a 19 or 20 allows you to target the holder of the firearm themselves. Additionally, the target must have attacked you already. [Reaction: Once per day]
At 18th level, once you close the gap, you continue to strike your target until you miss. Each new target after the first is down must be rolled with disadvantage.