Centurions prefer to take challenges head on. Clad in various modern armors, they charge toward their enemies. Should they reach them, the consequences are often dire as there is little one can do to shake them.
For your first two levels of combat, roll for movement. Passing this check allows you to begin attacking your opponent immediately. Failing forfeits your turn, but grants advantage on your second roll. If you successfully close the gap, gain hit points back, equal to your character level. Note that this affect only takes place if you are hit during combat.
At 4th level, after landing a regular melee attack, make an unarmed attack, driving fist, should, or otherwise into your opponent and dealing an extra 1d4 plus your strength modifier. The enemy must roll a Strength or Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. You must still roll, to see if this attack hits. Scoring a critical hit with this attack, dazes the target. Causing them to make any attack rolls with disadvantage for the following turn.
At 6th level, your strength and will grants you hit points on every turn you are not struck with an attack. 2hp per round at level 6, 3hp per round at level 9, 4hp per round at level 14, 5hp per round at level 18, and 6hp per round at level 20.
Starting at 9th level, use your primary action to enact a PowerShell which grants you temporary hit points equal to your character's level.
At 10th level, your thick armor has been honed to near perfection. If you take less than 5 damage or less, instead take none.
Starting at 12th level, if you take damage during your Close the Gap action, you may add half of the total damage taken to your first successful attack against any enemy that hit you.
Starting at 13th level, you garner the attention of an opponent about to attack an ally. Instead you intimidate them into targeting you. When attacking you for the rest of combat, they do so without their damage modifier and can only utilize the base dice of any attack.

Starting at 16th level, if you attempt to grapple a wounded enemy, do so with advantage. In addition, upon a successful grapple, you may perform an unarmed strike in addition to your regular melee attack against the grappled opponent.
At 19th level, when you score a hit on your opponent you may choose to rend your weapon from the wound. After your original attack, gain all of the benefit from a second attack without rolling to hit. This attack cannot inflict the effects of Crushing Blow and cannot crit.