Elythrin are old beings, not all unlike humans, though their faces and ears tend toward a more angular nature. While humans hold a vast diversity of subraces, Elythrins only have a pair. Each having white hair and red eyes, Ivor and Azur Elythrin are different only in appearance. With Ivor having pale flesh, and their Azur counterparts holding hues of gray and blue. There has long been a rift between the pair, as until quite recently, Ivor held the power of the proletariat, and Azur the more numerous, plebeian class. Whether, Ivor or Azur, Elythrin tend to keep to themselves, treating those who fornicate with humans as outcasts and banishing them from their societies.
Reclusion has led to much of their technological prowess being surpassed, though as they are capable of suriving for thousands of years, their elders hold wisdom and knowledge which is only rivalled by Nautilans. Never aging in appearance past a point of early adulthood, Elythrin possess a slender physique that is accentuated by their long, pointed ears. It would be a mistake, however, to consider them weak or feeble, as the thin limbs of an Elythrin retain a youthful agility and strength.
Elythrin culture can be diverse. Being an old people has caused them to diversify rather significantly. That said, to all Elythrin, appearance and first impressions play a large role. Humans often describe Elythrin as judgmental and extravagant. Wealth and status is of great import to Elythrin and a declining birthrate has led to many Elythrin communities to become reclusive. The want for "purity" has lead to things like inbreeding and, occasionally, the outright denial of outsiders into their territory. Wealth and secrets are kept within their own ranks, never shared with outsiders unless deemed absolutely necessary.
The average lifespan of an Elythrin spans from 3,000-3,600 years.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Elysin. [LANGUAGES]
Elythrin often are slender in build. Ranging in height they mirror humans on average. Size: Medium
Ability Score Increase
Due to your lithe frame you gain +2 to your Dexterity, and because of your lifespan you gain a +1 to your Wisdom.
Darkvision. You are able to see clearly in dim and low light in shades of deep red.
Heightened Hearing. You gain proficiency in perception.
Nimble. You have advantage on any acrobatics, and any ability check involving dexterity. This does not include saving throws.
Unamused. You gain advantage on saving throws against being charmed, hypnotized, or put to sleep.
Elythrin Heirloom. At 9th level, you receive an Elythrin heirloom. You can choose from a list of Fuse or Radeon weapons, listed below. These weapons utilize ancient tech which has been lost over time and are of high quality, even by modern standards.