
Humans possess exceptional drive and a great capacity to endure and expand, and as such are currently the dominant race in the Sentarin systems. Their empires and nations are vast, sprawling, things and the citizens of these societies carve names for themselves with the strength of their sword arms and the power of their spells. Humanity is best characterized by its tumultuousness and diversity, and human cultures run the gamut from savage but honorable tribes to decadent, devil-worshiping noble families in the most cosmopolitan cities. Human curiosity and ambition often triumphs over their predilection for a sedentary lifestyle, and many leave their homes to explore the innumerable forgotten corners of space or lead mighty armies to conquer their neighbors, simply because they can.
Humans can run the range in appearance, from skin, to hair, to eyes especially with the invention of genetic modifications. Most are considered beautiful by the standards of the other races, or soft weak things by others. Their height and weight both run a wide range which can include the short and round to the tall and slender builds. Often their diets consist of nearly anything their body can tolerate.
Human society is a strange amalgam of nostalgia and futurism, being enamored of past glories and wistfully remembered “golden ages,” yet at the same time quick to discard tradition and history and strike off into new ventures. Relics of the past are kept as prized antiques and museum pieces, as humans love to collect things—not only inanimate relics but also living creatures—to display for their amusement or to serve by their side. Other races suggest this behavior is due to a deep-rooted urge to dominate and assert power in the human psyche, an urge to take, till, or tame the wild things and places of the world. Those with a more charitable view believe humans are simply collectors of experiences, and the things they take and keep, whether living, dead, or never alive, are just tokens to remind themselves of the places they have gone, the things they have seen, and the deeds they have accomplished. Their present and future value is just a bonus; their real value is as an ongoing reminder of the inevitable progress of humanity.
Humans tend to live from 250-350 years.
You can speak, read, and write Common and language of your choosing. [LANGUAGES]
Humans run the gambit in sizes, as they do on Earth. Regardless of where you fall in this range, your size is considered medium.
Ability Score Increase
Ability Score Increase. One ability score of your choice increases by 2, and two different abilities of your choice increase by 1. Alternatively, four ability scores of your choice each increase by 1.
racial Traits
Defiant. Humans are known to be stubborn and often refuse to give up, even against the worst odds. You can add a d4 to a skill check or saving throw, after rolling but before you know the outcome. You must then finish a short or long rest before you can use this feature again.
Proficiency. You gain proficiency in one skill, one tool, and one weapon of your choice.
Mixed Bag. At 10th level, you...