Some consider them elegant, while others find them frightening. Ithoirsse possess physical traits which many of their humanoid counterparts lack. Perhaps, the most obvious of these, is that they can posses anywhere from 3-9 eyes. More often than not these are symetrical, in some form or another. However, each row can move independent of the other, allowing them to view two directions at once in full focus. Often, each row develops differently, one pair acclimating to daylight, while the others acclimates to darkness. Heterochromia is common among them, often giving a physical indication of the developmental discrepancy. Their ears are far larger and more angular than those of humans, and their flesh and hair can range in muted colors outside of the standard spectrums of homo-sapien flesh. Above all, their mouths are what truly set them apart. Lined with fangs, their mouths are far more akin to a snake's than mammal's, extending all the way to their ears. Often devouring plates of food in a single gulp rather than taking time to chew.
To an Ithoirsse, perception is paramount. Not only in practice, but in purpose. Unlike many other races who find themselves locked into a single point of view, Ithoirsse rarely believe in a single truth. Instead they attempt to find value in all viewpoints, as even a lie is rarely devoid of some shred of truth. That is not to say they are gullible, believing every word that lands on their ears. They would simply take those words as the truth in that individual's eyes, without question.
Ithoirsse society revolves around food, visual art, and varied perspectives. While many outsiders consider them gluttons, Ithoirsse eat far more than other races of their stature. Their flesh holding an elasticity unique to their kind. Should an Ithroirsse offer you food, it is a sign of deep trust and respect. Among outsiders, they will devour everything they can, with little regard for manners.
Ithoirsse artists bring in onlookers from lightyears away. They are known for creating masterpieces using thousands of prismoids which combine and deflect light, cascading marvelous auras into the voids of empty vacuum. Their culture is one that is welcoming, based on their acceptance of all world views. So much so, that it is often viewed as debauched. Consenting adults can truly find their darkest desires fulfilled within their borders, with nothing truly off the table should each party wish it done. All said, the cultural wheels of the Ithoirsse turn slowly, stopping to smell the roses, and ponder over every petal atop the stem.
Ithoirsse tend to live from 1100-1400 years.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Ithoirssen. [LANGUAGES]
Ithoirsse resemble humans in height, though they tend to mirror Elythrin in build. Ithoirsse are considered medium in size.
Ability Score Increase
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score is increased by 2, and your Charisma is increased by 1.
racial Traits
Keen Eyes. You are proficient in the perception skill. Additionally, any sight-based perception checks are given a flat +2 on top of your base stats and any other bonuses.
Darkvision. You have the ability to see in dim and low light as if there were daylight.
Bite. You possess a pair of large fangs which do not deal damage up front, but can cause profuse bleeding from the deep puncture wounds that follow. This attack deals 1d2 damage up front, should it hit. +1 damage for each consecutive turn until tended through the Medicine skill with bandages or gauze. This attack can stack.
Interstellar Artist. You are proficient in one of the following artforms: Calligraphy (Digital or Holographic), Cartography (Digital or Holographic), Prismic Painting.