The smallest of Sentarin-3's gas giants is Makor. This gas giant has a man made ring surrounding it. Equipped with spaceports, districts, and mining facilities, the ring is home to millions of people. It draws in countless gas miners, who take the planet's rich contents and export them throughout the system.

Hadron Magna-Rail
Getting from one end of a planet sized station to the other quickly is no small task. Thus, the Hadron Magna-Rail was created. Allowing near light speed travel about the massive structure.

The largest section of the station is known as Trucity. Built to feel like a terrestrial city on a planet, it is fit with skyscrapers, restaurants, and large city amenities. Lined between the buildings are streets where vehicles can even be driven. Though only motorcycles and other small vehicles are prohibited due to the, mostly, narrow streets in the city. Scheduled rain days are offered several times a year via a complex sprinkler and drainage system implemented within it's canopy and sewers.

Synth Farms
Feeding a population so large, with no natural carbon sources is difficult. Synth farmers work year round in large sections of the station to keep people fed. Food, water, and seed stores are among some of the most heavily guarded areas within the station.

Generator Rooms
Each district houses generator rooms which manage the air, power, and other important functions for their section of the station. These, along with the food and water stores are heavily guarded around the clock.

Districts By Color
There are 6 Districts which are all big enough to be a city in their own right. Each is coordinated by color: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, and Purple. Rings of light indicate the color of the district one is currently in. This system was implemented to reduce the feeling of confusion by citizens who would get lost. Many losing their minds due to the maze like structure in which they lived.