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The great deceivers, Nautilans are humanoids that share many features with what humans refer to as, Cephalapods. Often touted as the wisest, most cunning, species in existence; solving problems with mathematics, logic, and science comes as easily as to them as breathing does to men. Cold and calculating, many attribute a cruelty and malice to their actions as they rarely fumble with morality that does not add up to the calculations, which they deem, as determining factors for success. The ethical questions which often leave men pondering for a lifetime, are often answered in seconds by your average Nautilan. As they would not hesitate to flip a switch which might kill half the population of a planet, yet propel the survivors into utopia from which the entire galaxy might benefit.

Hunted for generations due to their values, they learned that discretion is truly the better part of valor, tending to speak to those outside their own kin only when they feel it is absolutely necessary. To one another, communication is performed non-verbally, as the species can change its pigment to convey a completely visual language to one another, or blend into their environment. Even if an outsider is able to understand Nautilan, there is much that simply does not translate, and of course they cannot reply in the language as no other species is able to physically replicate it without the use of electronics. It is unknown how long Nautilan's are able to live, however, it is clear that they can outlive any of their humanoid counterparts, potentially reaching immortality. 


Nautilans value patience and learning.  Much of their culture revolves around the acquisition and retention of knowledge.  As well as, in its application.  To others, Nautilans can seem cold and un-empathetic due to their very logical thought processes and secretive natures. Their culture is viewed as outsiders to be selfish, causing many peoples of the other races to despise them for hoarding the secrets of the universe to themselves. 

Making an enemy of a Nautilan can be a very dangerous thing to do. Though they are rarely brash and avoid violence, when possible, possessing a calm and calculated nature.  So that when they do strike, they do so with speed and precision, removing any possibilities for their opponent to counterattack.  That said, Nautilans
are outwardly involved in the fewest wars of any other race. Though, it is believed that they are often pulling the strings of others in the shadows so as not to get their own hands dirty in any given conflict. On a micro-level, Nautilan on Nautilan violence is almost completely unheard of. Nautilan violence against other individuals is rare as well, generally, only occurring when a Nautilan is defending themselves from a physical attack. 


Their cities appear more or less like those of many other humanoids; however, their social dynamics and traditions are far different from those of other species. As an example, hellos and goodbyes are seen as redundancies to conversations initiated and concluded. Breeding is proposed, analyzed, and determined by a pair (Or more) rather than sparked by social circumstance and developed further as it is by most humans. To other humanoids, this would be uncouth and would likely cause interpersonal issues. Yet, Nautilans are nearly incapable of taking criticism, insults, or praise personally. Therefore, they are, essentially, impossible to offend or to flatter, making them difficult for other species to connect with and understand. While Nautilans are certainly capable of understanding the social dynamics of other races, things like love and affection are only expressed for outsiders, as they are meaningless to Nautilans themselves. All this is not to say that Nautilans are immune from the temptations posed by hedonism and carnal pleasures, but they are largely frowned upon and those who delve too deeply into either are quickly removed from Nautilan society. 



Nautilans tend to live from 8,000-10,000 years.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Nautilan. [LANGUAGES



Nautiilans tend to be slightly shorter than humans.  Size:  Medium


Ability Score Increase

All Nautilans start off with +2 Intelligence and +1 Wisdom. 

Racial Traits
Darkvision. You are able to see in dim light and non-anomalous darkness as if it were daytime.

Ancient Being. Nautilans are able to communicate non verbally with one another via pigment shifts in their skin.  Though, it is possible for other creatures to understand this language, it is impossible for them to speak it without technological or written means.

Pigment Shift. Nautilans have the ability to change their pigment to match their surroundings, giving them advantage on stealth checks when trying to hide.  Though, certain attire can negate these affect, this ability can be used at will.  

Tentacle wrap. Nautilans have advantage on  grappling checks if they are able to implement their tentacles. 

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