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Beautiful, elegant, and dangerous. Many have used such words to describe Queloreen. Their bodies are representative of their home system of Inovae, which, contains the highest concentration of moisture rich planets in the known galaxy. Evolution saw fit to dawn them with bright colors to blend in, allowing them to hunt and hide from the terrible creatures they purged from their domain long ago. The once brutal world they struggled to tame beseeched them with many curses, and many gifts, they still carry with them to this day. 

Due to their stark beauty, cultures who still dabble in slavery often covet a Queloreen for their own. They are sought after as lovers and many who are taken as slaves suffer the excruciating surgery of having their poison glands, beneath their tongues, removed. This often leads to medical complications as food, dirt, and the like can easily coalesce in the empty pockets. 


A mixture of beauty and danger has bred the Queloreen to be hardy creatures. Merit is of utmost importance to the Queloreen. If you are not fit to do something, this is deemed simply as a fact of life, which should be taken as no more than that. It is ritual that they are birthed in water and must swim to the surface of their own accord. To fail is to die, an honorable death. However, should the parent of the child assist them, the child is marred. Generally, by means of ear mutilation, to distinguish them from others who may provide a stronger representation of their race. 

Queloreen view the galaxy as a dangerous place. Many find others seeking something from them, even if that thing is simply a night in their beds. This can lead them to be rather distrusting of other races, making them slow to tether the bonds of any relationship. Without a clear indication that a relationship will be beneficial, a Queloreen may simply choose to move on, rather than waste any time attempting to build toward something more. 



The lifespan of Queloreen is roughly 600-900 years.


You can speak, read, and write Common and Quelo. [LANGUAGES



Queloreen are roughly the same size as humans.  Size:  Medium


Ability Score Increase

All Queloreen start off with +2 Charisma and +1 Strength. 

Racial Traits
Darkvision. You are able to see in dim light and non-anomalous darkness as if it were daytime.

Amphibious. Queloreen are able to breathe underwater and above land. 

Poisonous. Queloreen are equipped with a retractable appendage beneath their tongues, wrists, and feet. It can be controlled at will to inject anyone who dares get too close.   

Elegant Visage. Queloreen gain +2 to any attempts to charm humanoids, other than their own kind. This is only applied if the creature is able to see them. 

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