
The Skrykthe are a species of humanoids with diversely insect or crustacean-like features. They are by far the most populous sentient species, outnumber all of the other races combined by nearly 10 to 1. Their short lifespans give Skrykthe a different perspective on life than the Soft Shells. Their need to perform tasks at a quicker pace, leading to what others perceive as spastic, abrasive, and violent nature. This often leads to wars, not only among other races, but even more often within their own species. However, where most other races crave self identity, the Skrykthe know nothing but the collective. A risk where death and failure is a 99% chance, but the chance of saving the collective is 1% , is a risk worth taking.
The lone Skrykthe is a rarity, and whilst they often stick to collectives within their own race, sometimes, they find their place among the soft skinned species of the sector. This happens, often, when a young Skrykthe gets lost, or if another species finds Skrykthe eggs and raises them from birth. It is often said by the soft shelled folk that: If you get a Skrykthe while they're young, they're more loyal than a droid. However, while there is much truth to this, disregarding the nuance of Skrykthe loyalty, is a folly that has lead to many a Soft Shell's death. For while Skrykthe are arguably the most loyal of all the known races, they are not necessarily loyal to any one individual, but what they perceive as the Colony or the Hive. They will kill their friends, family, even their own children in cold blood, if it means increasing the chance for the collective to endure...
As female Skrykthe tend to be larger and stronger than their male counterparts, Skrykthe culture is, largely, matriarchal. It is rare for male Skrykthe to hold many leadership roles, though, not unheard of. Political, military, and other high ranking government positions are dominated by females.
That is not to say males do not hold value in Skrykthe society. They are viewed as necessary and sought after as breeding partners. Though, many are killed in the process, they are viewed vessels just short of sacred. Rituals for their sacrifice of a successful conception can last weeks in Skrykthe society.
Unlike other species, female Skrykthe tend to be the catalysts that spur on aggression within their societies and hold a fascination with violence. This is believed to be due, at least in part, to a hormone that is somewhat comparable to testosterone in mammals. Though, it seems to be far more potent in its effect. It is highly sought after in various human black markets as a supplement, though its effect in most other species has far more negative repercussions when compared to its benefits.
Depending on the subspecies, Skrythe lives span an average of 40-90 years.
You can speak, read, and write Common and Skryte. [LANGUAGES]
Skrykthe vary in size more than any other race, with females generally being significantly larger than males. Size: Medium
Avg Male Height: 4'2-5'10 Average Female Height: 5'4-7'6 Diet: (Depending on sub-species)
Ability Score Increase
+2 constitution +1 Strength
Racial Traits
Darkvision. You are able to see in dim light and non-anomalous darkness as if it were day.
Wall Climb. You are able to climb walls made of materials such as stone, wood, or masonry.
Complex Anatomy. With the advantage of Natural armor and general Constitution comes a caveat. Skykthe do not heal as well as other creatures, thus, all Medicine checks and abilities to regain HP are half as effective. This includes stabilization checks for downed Skrykthe.
Scavenger. You are able to consume foods that would not sate other races. Talk all poison damage as half.
​Natural Armor. At 2nd level, gain +1 Natural AC. At 14th level you gain an additional +1. This is added in addition to all other armor purchased.