The largest gas giant in the system is Torbarin. It's smallest moon, Torbarin-1 is an atmospheric terrestrial body capable of hosting life. Though, this moon is small it's surface, much like Dorranis is covered almost entirely by a massive city. With huge stores of water in underground lakes which are quickly being collected and brought to the surface due to the high amounts of pollution expected to contaminate it in the coming years due to the high amounts of traffic and waste the planet population and travelers produce.

The "Jumpoff"
The largest starport in the system is known as the Jumpoff. It is a massive station which sits in orbit around the massive gas giant. As Torbarin is the deepest large planet with the heaviest gravitational pull in the system. This allows ships to slip into orbit and slingshot away toward their destination. Alternatively, this is one of the few places that hosts a Leapgate, which allows ships to travel to destinations far away without use of their stored fuel.

Port Torbar
The city that engulfs the small moon is known as Port Torbar. Its economy based almost solely on tourism from passing travelers, it hosts all kinds of distractions for anyone looking to pass the time during their stay.

Jumper's Roost
A massive hotel, the size of a small city sits nestled within the station. With rooms from bare bones to lavish, and amenities as far as the eye can see for any with the money to pay for them.

The Lucky Star
Though Port Torbar is littered with casino's, the largest is the Lucky Star. Widely renowned for being a somewhat dangerous place, even with the vast amounts of security employed. One must keep their purse well attended, or risk losing it.